Monday, February 15, 2010

Getting the nursery ready

Quote behind crib says......"let him sleep for when he wakes, he will move mountains."

I love these colors, found this bedding within a month or two of being pregnant. Searched several other nursery "themes", but kept going back to this one.

Its hard to believe that in just 4 months there will be lil mister in here!

Jason and I are getting so excited and the more we get done in his lil room the more real its becoming. We have taped off two of the walls and are going to be doing stripes, can't wait for it to be finished, its going to be adorable. Stay tuned for pictures. We went and registered last weekend and had a hay day with Nana and Papa. We spent 4 and 1/2 hours in Babies R Us... and of course Nana and Papa couldn't leave there without buying him some stuff.... :0) We are so thankful that he's already so loved. I just can't even fathom what it will be like once he's here. I'm soooooo in love, I just laugh every time he moves, I love it! I'm starting to see a pattern with his movements.
Found out that 4 of my childhood girlfriends, all from elementary and one since birth. We are all having boys. T is due in May, Diggity (N), and Mac (M) and are I are due in June all within 3 or 4 days of each other. My neighbor is having a lil girl, but all my other girlfriends are having boys. We will have quite the clan of lil rascals. :0) Pretty exciting, sad that I won't be able to travel to any of their baby showers, but will hopefully get to see them all soon after Heath is here.
Anyway, stay tuned for the nursery pictures as it gets finished......

Friday, January 29, 2010


Profile Picture

Doing a head stand
Well..... I have once again failed at blogging.
I am now 19 weeks pregnant, FINALLY!!! Jason and I are excited to announce we are expecting a baby boy in June. His name will be Heath Bradley after both our brother's middle names. We have been so blessed with such an amazing gift and ecstatic that it finally happening. These ultrasound pictures are from my 12 week visit. We had an ultrasound done last week when we found out what we were having, but didn't get any good profile pics, he was covering his face most of the time.
Our parents are SO EXCITED! Jason's parents are going to be 1st time grandparents and are already wrapped, I think. LOL.... my parents are excited to be having another lil grandson to add to the mix. My two best friends are pregnant as well. T is due in May with a little boy, which is so cool, because our family has a long history. Our grandmothers were born 3 days apart, our Mom's were born 3 days apart and are best friends, T and I are a month and a 1/2 apart, and our boys will be a month and 1/2 apart. We have been family forever, our Mom's have been best friends since 6th grade so I think of T and her sister as my sisters. Her daughter D is my Goddaughter and her lil boy will be our Godson.
My other bestie and I have been best friends since 6th grade in Wyoming and she is due 4 days after me, we have yet to find out what she's having yet, but she thinks its a little girl. We should find out Feb. 9th. Can't wait and am so excited! Our next door neighbor is also expecting and is due 3 days after me as well..... crazy... babies everywhere, She will find out what she's having on the 19th of Feb.
Lots going on around here, house is moving from a couple with a house that is slowly getting baby stuff moved into it. And we are loving every minute of it. We have a swing already for lil mister Heath, I cried when we set it up in our living room. It has several different songs it plays, and you can also hook your Ipod up to it. It has a sound of the mother's heartbeat and Jason started playing that, just going through all the music on there and I busted out bawling..... he was like... do you not like it? I started to laugh and said yes I love it! Our baby is going to be in there! He has been so wanted and is so loved already, we just can't wait to meet the lil guy.
Well, I need to close for now, but I'm going to try and keep up on this a little better.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Our lil buddy....

I have been a really bad blogger lately; we’ve been so busy with life that I haven’t slowed down enough to write in anything.
Jason and I just got done with our weekend at Tres Dias. Jason went on his weekend October 15th and my weekend was October 22nd. It was the most amazing retreat I’ve ever been, too. I can’t say a lot about it because I wouldn’t want to ruin the experience for anyone else. But, I forgave a lot of past junk, stuff that has affected me since I was 5 years old, up to about a month ago. I have forgiven myself mainly, but forgave A LOT of people who have hurt me, physically, emotional or sexually and now I am FREE! I laid it down and will NEVER pick it back up again, EVER! I truly believe God’s timing is never wrong and Jason and I were meant to go on this particular weekend. I truly believe that our marriage has been improved 100%, and one day when we have our future family, wow what an impact we will have on them! Tres Dias is what it is called here in Tennessee, but it’s also called Walk to Emmaus in Texas. I had several people serving on my weekend who went through Walk to Emmaus in another state. I would recommend to anyone!

I came home from Tres Dias to some pretty horrible news. Our lil buddy Beau was hit by a car Friday afternoon. He and Jason had gone to Jason parents for the weekend to help his brother “S” with his house. Beau loved the mountains. Jason’s parent’s house is on top of a mountain; however his brother’s house is right below it, near a busy road. Jason had let him out to go to the bathroom like we normally do, and Beau is really good about staying right with you without a leash on, well he didn’t know about busy streets, because where we live our street isn’t busy at all. Jason said he was playing right by them, and they bent down to move some scaffolding and Beau was gone. He said he thought he had gone into the house so they were hollering for him, that’s when Jay found him on the highway. What kills me and him both is whoever hit him, didn’t stop. And it was very obvious he was a pet because Jason had his coat on him that day because we had just trimmed him short and it was really cold that day. Anyway, bless Jason’s heart he had to pick him up and bury him at his parents’ home and then drive back home by himself and come home to all of Beau’s toys, bed and blankets. We didn’t have any phone contact while I was at the retreat. He could have called my sponsor, but he said he didn’t want to ruin my weekend experience. When I got home, I was so excited to see beau, I had missed him bad and was ready to play with him. We had started pulling down our street and I reached down to call my Mom really quick. Jason said, please don’t call your mom right now, I need to tell you something when we get in the driveway. Well, I had thought he had wrecked his truck, our house had been robbed, everything but not Beau, Beau never entered my mind. I just kept asking him what happened, what’s going on, are you ok? What happened? I stopped just short of our driveway and said, please tell me what happened. He started to cry and said Beau was hit by a car and killed Friday night, well…… I screamed bloody murder, I’m seriously surprised the cops didn’t show up, because I was screaming and crying and yelling No, no no your lying, you’re lying to me, where is he, all the while trying to get my keys in the lock at the house. Jason started to give me a hug to hold me and I just started beating the crap out of him, blaming him instantly. But, had I not just finished Tres Dias, I wouldn’t have been able to forgive him, in that instant I started to apologize to him, it had hit me, that bless his heart he had been with it by himself for the last two days, he had cleaned up all of Beau’s belongings for me so that I wouldn’t have to see any of it, and he had to pick him up and bury him. And I know for a fact as well as any of you know Jason absolutely worshiped the ground that dog walked on. I quit hitting and gave him a hug and said I am so sorry you’ve had to deal with this by yourself, I’m so sorry that I hit you, I’m sorry that I was mad at you instantly, I’m just hurting. Our home is definitely quiet now, and getting ready in the morning without my little singing buddy is soooooo hard. And then coming home and him not being there at the door with his toy in his mouth squeaking it for me to play with him is definitely hard as well. Each day has gotten a little easier, and we will get another rescue dog once we get home from our trip to Amarillo in November. We didn’t realize how dog dependant we had grown until we lost our lil buddy. He had so much love to give to us. When we first got him, he was emaciated, and covered in tick and flea bites, and I truly thought, holy cow what have we gotten ourselves into? But we feed him, we bathed him and got his skin healed up, and he started to feel secure in our home and just thrived….. He definitely ruled the roost! He had an amazing personality and we loved him. When you don’t have children they sort of become that, because you take care of them, & you love on them. I have had tons of outside dogs, and grieving over them was hard don’t get me wrong, but they were outside, so I didn’t have go out in the back yard if I didn’t want to and nothing in the house reminded me of them so I was good at getting over it. But man o man when you have an indoor dog and they follow you everywhere you go and are in your space 24/7 it’s hard, it’s like losing a family member. Please pray for Jason he’s having a pretty tough time with it.
Sorry for the sad blog….. We pray that we find another rescue dog who we can give a good home to, soon. Hope everyone has a great Halloween…… I wish I was in Texas to see my niece and nephew, they are going as Tinker bell and a rodeo clown….. too stinkin cute! Be safe!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Busy... Busy...

Once again this is just going to be a huge long post with no pictures involved…. Just a lot of news. Well, I started my fertility drugs last week… Jason was gone for a whole week, to be with his Dad; who was having a Triple-bypass surgery. I couldn’t go with him because we needed me to be here in Nashville for other reasons.
Father-in-law’s surgery went really good. It is definitely time for a change in eating habits, and all Jason and I can do is pray that this was a wakeup call. He still hasn’t be released from the hospital, it’s been a week and a day now since his surgery. They are trying to get him out of Atrial Fibrillation by giving him medication. Jason finally got home Wednesday night; we only got to see each other for a quick second before we went into our growth groups at Church. I’m super excited about my growth group and Jason’s growth group. His is separate from mine, he’s with all men and I’m with all women, which is just fun. And then on Thursday nights starting next week we are starting a life group which is small groups of couples who are in our Sunday school class and we dig further in the sermon from the previous Sunday. I can’t wait, not only for the learning, but it’s also a great way to get better connected to the people who are in your class. This past week, I definitely realized that Jason and I have made a large group of genuine friends who would stop at the drop of a hat to be there for support in whatever is going on. I had friends come over and watch movies with me, I had friends call and ask me if I would like to have dinner with them, I had people just texting me or face booking me checking on me , jason and my father-in-law…. I definitely felt loved last week.
As for the clomid (fertility drug) I only take 1 pill for 5 days. I pray that it works and all the symptoms of the pill are all going to be worth it in the end. I can handle ANYTHING if it will give us the baby we’ve dreamed about… Jason and I are definitely trying to keep ourselves busy with projects and Church stuff to keep our minds off of it…. So I am going to be a Project Coordinator for a campaign our company does every year call Caring for the Community. It’s a day that we get to go out and volunteer for a place of our choice and get paid a full day’s pay for it. I will be the Project Coordinator for The Nashville Ballet…. I am going to be leading a team of 10 people, we are going to do some landscaping, painting the lobby, and help build some stage props… I’m pretty excited about it and it’s a big deal here to be recognized as a Project Coordinator for Community Day’s. Stay tuned for pictures from that day….
In October… Jason and I are going to be going on a retreat; each one of us goes on different weekends….. It’s called Tres Dias (3 Days) we will each leave on a Thursday night, and return Sunday evening. It’s kind of secretive, about what goes on during the 3 days because they want everyone’s experience to be brand new and get the most out of it without any expectations. So you have to go with no cell phone, no computers, no TV…. Just you and God for 3 days… We have two amazing friends who are sponsoring Jason and me to go, they have both been through and they said not only did it improve their marriage, but it changed their lives. I’m excited about it. Also in October Mom and Dad are planning a trip here so they can see all the fall colors. We are going to take them to Gatlinburg for a weekend up in the Smoky Mountains… and in the fall there is no place prettier! Can’t wait for that either…. Busy…. Busy… It’s just amazing to me how our life together from this time last year to now has kind of come full circle… we definitely have found a home in Nashville….

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


It’s no shock that I am pretty transparent. I feel that this is a strength in some ways because I feel if I talk about stuff and things that have happened to me in my life, then maybe I am helping someone else in that particular situation. So I have no fear in telling people about seasons of which I have gone through in my life.
So as most of you know Jason and I have had a lot of trouble trying to get pregnant. I’ve had surgery to try and help the situation; it was helpful because it helped us realize that one of my tubes is completely blocked, there for we only have a shot at getting pregnant every other month (so we thought). I have been charting my basal temperature everyday for the last 4 months. Well it was time for my well check after my last surgery in March and my Dr. had said that if we weren’t pregnant in 4 months after the surgery that we then would discuss fertility drugs. So Jason and I went to the Dr. I shared with her my charts from the last 4 months and told her how I was confused by them. They didn’t make sense at all and they didn’t look at all like the “normal” charts that my husband and I had seen… so it was all very confusing until the Dr. saw them and said, “Well sweetie no wonder your confused, you’re for sure only ovulating every other month, but on the months that you are, you are barely.” So on a normal chart your temperature would peak for 2 days and that is when you are most like to get pregnant. On my charts it looked like a heart monitor line…. Up and down every day for the whole month. So in that appointment we discussed Clomid and I will start taking it this month. I am really excited about starting on them, because I feel like she is definitely moving forward with us in this journey and she’s not making us wait any longer…. Because let’s face it…. I’m not getting any younger and we would really like to have a couple of kids. So keep praying for us. We definitely know that we will love every late night, every cry, every smile, and every coo. We will cherish every single moment in our future child’s lives. Because we tried so hard to make this dream come true.
I have also come to realize that there are more women out there than you would think who have problems getting pregnant. It’s sad, it’s especially sad for the ones who want them SO bad, that there are women out there who will look you straight in your eyes and tell you that they didn’t want to be a Mother, they never wanted to have kids, they have 3 and they can’t stand them (Yes as sad as it is to hear, I actually had a lady I work with tell me that word for word)! Or you have people who continue to give their children up for adoption and they get pregnant again in a month…. It’s frustrating, it breaks my heart. And this last year and a half going on 2 years has been a true test. It’s definitely been a test on me. It’s hard every month for the last year and a half to have to go and tell your husband that you’re sorry that we aren’t pregnant and then for it to be my fault we can’t get pregnant. It’s been hard. I know that it can’t be mine to take on, but it’s hard not too…. Jason has been THE MOST supportive husband ever. He’s been my voice of reason for sure. We just pray that this option works. I have had 2 girlfriends who have sat me down and talked to me about them carrying a baby for us… Man…. All I can say is I have some amazing girlfriends…. AMAZING! I pray that we don’t have to go that route….
I’ve rambled as I usually do on this thing…. But please do keep Jason and me in your prayers, this has been a long hard frustrating journey and we absolutely know it will all be worth it in the end when we can hold our future son/daughter in our arms. Children are truly a blessing from God; we pray that we are blessed in the near future.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Our Trip Home

Sunrise in Arkansas
Sunrise on the road

Wall Cloud in Henryetta, Oklahoma. Was not fun driving through that storm....

WAHOO!! I was so excited to see this sign!!

My very first tattoo. aiyh means: Always in Your Heart! It is something my Mom and I started awhile ago when something had happened to me and my parents weren't physically near. My mom will always say, "Where am I when you can't see me?" Answer: "Always In Your Heart"
We had the best time in Texas seeing the kiddos and seeing family. We saw almost everyone on my side except about 6 cousins. It was a much needed vacation and was great to visit with everyone. We are excited about going back in August for my Dad's retirement. He worked for ExxonMobil for 35 years! I'm pretty proud of his accomplishments! And even more excited about getting our family pictures taken while we are there. If everyone gets to make it to my Dad's retirement. All of my Nanny's (Grandmother's) Great Grandchildren will all be there and we can get a picture of them together as well! Can't wait! Knowing that we were going to get to see my family in a couple weeks made it easier to say goodbye.

Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July 2009

What a weekend! Man… we were on the road a lot this past weekend. All of our friends live in Hendersonville which is about 30 to 40 minutes away give or take with traffic. That is where we attend Church as well. So Friday during the day I went and hung out at the pool with my girlfriend in Mount Juliet. Anyway, that night we went to Hendersonville for their fireworks show with our friends. It was fun to hang out with them; we cooked out, and watched the kids play. Saturday morning we went back to Hendersonville and while Jason and Chad (One of our friends) were building picnic tables for our Church, Kristin (Chad’s wife) and I hung out at the pool. We then went downtown to the Nashville fireworks. Chad’s dad is an attorney downtown and his building is right up against the riverfront, where they set off the fireworks. We sat on the roof and watch the fireworks in the rain. It wasn’t just rain it was buckets of water. We were as wet as we would have been jumping in the pool with our clothes on! It was so much fun, though. We were definitely drenched, but it was so worth it. Nashville’s downtown fireworks show is THE BEST fireworks display I have EVER seen in my life. It was constant fireworks for a total of 25 minutes! Choreographed with the Nashville Symphony, pretty amazing!